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AAPM Young Investigator Finalist

Yushi Chang (PhD’2023, advisor: Lei Ren, PhD) has been selected as a finalist for the prestigious John R. Cameron Young Investigator Symposium at 2020 AAPM Annual Meeting for her recent research work on improving XCAT phantom using AI technique. There were 396 submissions to the Young Investigator Competition and Yushi’s work was accepted as one of the 10 highest scoring submissions.

Yushi Chang will be presenting her work at 2020 AAPM Annual Meeting on the following date and time:

Date &Time: 7/13/2020, 1:00pm, Eastern Time Zone.

Title: “A Generative Adersarial Network (GAN)-Based Technique for Synthesizing Realistic Respiratory Motion in the Extended Cardiac-Torso (XCAT) Phantoms” by Y Chang, Z Jiang, K Lafata, Z Zhang, P Segars, J Cai, F Yin, L Ren.

The presentation will be conducted in a virtual format.