With great pleasure, we are delighted to announce the Duke Medical Physics Graduate Program awards recipients that have been recognized during the Graduation Ceremony on May 13, 2018, at the Washington Duke Inn & Golf Club.
We congratulate Duke Medical Physics Program members receiving the following awards:
Excellence in Teaching Award 2018: Timothy G. Turkington, PhD (Radiology)
Academic and Research Excellence Awards 2018: Jonathan Cuthbertson, MS, Wendy Harris, PhD, Taylor Richards (PhD student), Michelle Rokni, MS, Paul Yoon (PhD Candidate)
Excellence in Mentorship Award 2018: Oana Craciunescu, PhD (Radiation Oncology)
Excellence in Teaching Assistantship Award 2018: Yixin Ma (PhD student)
James T. Dobbins III Leadership Award 2018: Isabella Duarte (PhD student)
Director’s Awards for Exemplary Service 2018: Dean F. Darnell, PhD (Radiology), Hananiel Setiawan (PhD student), Katherine S. Hand, MS (MedPhys Program)