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MRI Linac Lecture

Jan Lagendijk, PhD, Professor and Head of Radiation Oncology, Radiology, and Nuclear Medicine Physics at the Universitair Medisch Centrum (UMC) Utrecht visited the Duke University Medical Physics Graduate Program to deliver this month’s distinguished lecture. The talk commenced with Dr. Lagendijk discussing the limitations on present day’s radiation therapy work flow, which includes uncertainty in day-to-day positioning. He further discussed on how the MRI Linac (MRL) technology can potentially address some of these challenges and bring improvements to better tailor dose distribution in radiation therapy, such as with better tumor characterization, real-time response assessment, and continuous treatment plan adaptation. Dr. Lagendijk ended his lecture by emphasizing the importance of having radiation therapy treatment as a real time process. Immediately after the talk, he answered questions from students and faculty members during the townhall.

Martin Pomper, MD, PhD, Professor of Radiology and Director of Division of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging at the Johns Hopkins Medical School will deliver the last distinguished lecture for the academic year on March 22, 2018.