On Mar 9-10 we held our annual graduate student visitation and interview event to provide information about the Medical Physics Graduate Program to prospective and admitted students. As part of this event, we were honored to welcome Dr. William Hendee as a special visitor. At the weekly Seminars in Medical Physics, he spoke on “Creativity and Innovation in Action: Migration of the Products of Biomedical Research into the Marketplace.” He also spent several hours talking to faculty and students, including the break out session pictured here (left to right: Dr. Hendee, Director of Graduate Studies Dr. Samei, and medical physics Ph.D. student Josh Wilson).
In addition to being the current editor of Medical Physics, the premiere journal in our field, Dr. Hendee also holds the following positions at the Medical College of Wisconsin: Senior Associate Dean and Vice President, Dean of the Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences, Professor and Vice-Chair of Radiology, and Professor of Radiation Oncology, Biophysics, Bioethics.