Engaged in Our Community
In addition to education and research, members of our program actively engage in our community, both socially and professionally. We serve as leaders at national and international organizations. At the local level, we participate in events at schools and support charitable causes. Here are just a few examples of how Duke Medical Physics has given back to the community. Check out our Facebook page to see more highlights from our program and what we’re currently doing in the medical physics community.
Annual Retreat

We returned to Haw River State Park for the program annual retreat! Events this weekend included talks by 2 AAPM presidents, “Next Steps” career panel discussion, and research “speed dating.” Best of all, students enjoyed much-needed opportunity to bond and relax! Each year, we focus on a different theme, such as “Leadership” in 2016 and “Achieving Excellence” in 2017.
Procurement and Donation of Thousands of Masks

During the COVID-19 crisis, our program worked together to support each other as well as our local community. Program faculty Fang-Fang Yin and the Duke Kunshan Medical Physics Alumni Club coordinated a donation of thousands of masks to Duke Hospital and our program. The masks were express shipped all the way from China early in the crisis when such supplies were particularly difficult to procure.
Pivoting During A Pandemic

In addition, a large team of students led by Jordan Houri banded together to make hundreds of face shields for clinics in underserved areas. They worked together via Zoom, as shown in the images below.
International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)

Program faculty Ehsan Samei and Madan Rehani co-chaired the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) meeting entitled: “Patient Dose Monitoring and the Use of Diagnostic Reference Levels for Optimization of Protection in Medical Imaging.” Attendees from 30 countries discussed the need to monitor radiation dose from diagnostic imaging exams, and how to use that information to improve image quality and patient safety. The meeting took place May 30 to June 3, 2016 at the IAEA headquarters in Vienna. (Photo: IAEA)
American Association Of Physicists In Medicine (AAPM)

Program Director Ehsan Samei and Associate Director Fang-Fang Yin currently serve as board members-at-large of the American Association of Physicists in Medicine, the largest professional organization for medical physicists. Other faculty, alumni, and students also participate in multiple leadership roles, not only at AAPM but also numerous other professional organizations. Here Dr. Samei relaxes with board members after a 26-mile bike ride at the AAPM Summer School 2016. (Photo: Anuj Kapadia)
Annual Science Day

On our Annual Science Day, Duke medical physics students shared their knowledge and love of physics with kids in Hillandale Elementary School, Durham NC. (Photos: Taoran Li)
T2 Stars
Since 2012

The Duke Medical Physics Team “T2 Stars” (it’s an imaging joke) have participated since 2012 in the Angels Among Us 5K races, raising several thousand dollars for the Preston Robert Tisch Brain Tumor Center.