Classes for the fall semester begin today. For this fall, we offer the following courses listed below by course number, title, and instructor:
- MEDPHY 200 Radiation Physics (Gunasingha)
- MEDPHY 205 Anatomy / Physiology for Medical Physics (Reiman)
- MEDPHY 230A Modern Diagnostic Imaging Systems (MacFall)
- MEDPHY 251 Seminars in Medical Physics (Lo/Oldham/Segars)
- MEDPHY 312 Radiobiology (Hoppenworth/Kirsch)
- MEDPHY 322 Advanced Photon Beam Radiation Therapy (Das)
- MEDPHY 326 Practicum on Monte Carlo Methods in Medical Physics (Gunasingha)
- MEDPHY 328 Clinical Practicum in Radiation Therapy (Z. Wang)
- MEDPHY 331 Advanced Medical Imaging Physics (Dobbins)
- MEDPHY 348 Clinical Practicum and Shadowing in Nuclear Medicine (Turkington)
- MEDPHY 359 Independent Study in Medical Physics (Multiple)