The Duke Board of Trustees approved the new MS degree graduate program in medical physics at Duke Kunshan University (DKU). DKU is a new Sino-American partnership between Duke and Wuhan University to create a world-class research institution in the city of Kunshan, China. Now under construction, DKU is scheduled to open in 2014. (Architect’s rendering of the DKU Academic Center taken from DKU website.)
The medical physics MS initiative was led by Dr. Fang-Fang Yin, our program’s Associate Director who will also serve as director of the DKU medical physics program. The new MS program is modeled after, and leads to the same Duke University degree as, the Duke University Medical Physics Graduate Program. You can learn more details (including a program overview, curriculum, and admissions) at the DKU medical physics website. Applications are due by January 31, 2014, and the first class of students will matriculate in the fall of 2014.
Program Director Jim Dobbins commented, “We believe that there is the potential for significant societal benefit that we anticipate from providing Duke-quality training in medical physics in China. This will augment our ongoing strength as one of the top medical physics graduate programs in the U.S.”